Ski Sports Museum in Chepelare

The Museum recalls the long and rich history of skiing in Chepelare. It is the result of the joint efforts of the sports community of Chepelare and the local ski factory. Chepelare is the birthplace of the Olympic biathlete and champion of 98 Nagano Olimpics, Ekaterina Dafovska, and the snowboarder Radoslav Yankov. Both athletes have their special place in the exhibition. The museum contains nearly 1,000 museum exhibits - skis, medals, cups, flags, ski boots, plaques and more of legendary skiers. The collection tells both the history of this sport and skiing in Chepelare. There are over 200 cups and medals, 300 flags, 100 pairs of skis, etc. Among them you will find curiosities such as hand-made skis from the beginning of the XX-th century, modern ski equipment since the inception of the ‘Rozhen’ Sports Club, which has more than 100 years of history.

44B "Belomorska" street,
4850  Chepelare, Bulgaria

Municipality of Chepelare:
Phone: +359 3051 / 82-80,
Fax: 03051/82-79

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Copyright © 2025 Visit Chepelare.
This site is a donation from Siika Anastasova Katsarova - raised in Chepelare, currently Vice President of the European SPA Association and chairman of Bulgarian Union of Balneology and SPA Tourism.